
Short version:
Creator of instrumental and acousmatic music, designer of installations and improviser, but also artistic director, Vincent Laubeuf leads multiple activities around sound creation. Each of his experiences allows him to explore his ideas from different “points of view”.
As a composer, he is regularly invited to studios such as those of the Ina-GRM or the Muse en Circuit and writes for ensembles such as the Instant donné, Court-Circuit or the Onceim. He has composed more than a hundred works that are performed both in France and abroad (Beijing, Tokyo, New York, Geneva, Vienna).
As an electroacoustic musician, he has played in venues such as the Petit Faucheux in Tours, the Palais de Tokyo, and on several tours in Japan. He also played the electroacoustic part of Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Kontakte at the Festival d’Automne (Amphithéâtre de l’Opéra Bastille and TGP CDN in Saint-Denis) with L’Instant donné and Motus.
Vincent Laubeuf has also been artistic director of the Motus music company and the Futura festival since 2007. Since 2021, he has been a professor of electroacoustic composition at the ENM in Villeurbanne.

Long Version

Born in 1974
Creator of instrumental and acousmatic music, designer of installations and improviser, but also artistic director, Vincent Laubeuf leads multiple activities around sound creation. Each of his experiences allows him to explore his ideas from different “points of view”.

 Vincent Laubeuf studied with Denis Dufour. His meetings with Pascal Dusapin, Brian Ferneyhough and Gérard Pesson allowed him to complete his training as a composer.

As a composer, he is regularly invited to studios such as those of the Ina-GRM or the Muse en Circuit and writes for ensembles such as the Instant donné, Court-Circuit or the Onceim. He has composed more than a hundred works that are performed both in France (Grand Palais, GRM, Muse en Circuit, Cesaré, etc.) and abroad (Beijing, Tokyo, New York, Geneva, Vienna, Beijing, New York, Istanbul, Mexico City, etc.). These works are also regularly broadcast on the airwaves (France Musique, France Culture).

As an electroacoustic musician, he has played at the Total Meeting festival (Petit Faucheux in Tours), during 3 tours in Japan (around forty dates in Sapporo, Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba, Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto, etc.). He also played the electroacoustic part of Kontakte by Karlheinz Stockhausen, at the Festival d’Automne (Amphithéâtre de l’Opéra Bastille and TGP CDN in Saint-Denis) with L’Instant donné and Motus.

He is regularly invited to give lectures or master classes (in the music class at the CNSMD in Paris, at the Doshisa Women’s College in Kyoto, at the Tokyo University of the Arts, during the Fourrier Festival in Vienna, etc.).
Since 2021, he has been a professor of electroacoustic composition at the ENM in Villeurbanne, which allows him to pass on his experience to future creators.

In 2008, Vincent Laubeuf was a prizewinner in the 8th Luc Ferrari International Competition, organized by Muse en Circuit. He is now regularly invited as a jury member for international composition competitions (Destellos Argentina, CCMC Japan Presque Rien France…).

3 monographic CDs have been dedicated to him: Raréfactions, released in 2011 by Motus, The Poetics of Vacuum co-published by Obs* (Russia) and Oto (Japan) released in 2013...on ne sait pas by Artsonique & Motus 2019

His creations include “Les Montagnes mystiques” (commissioned by Ina-GRM) for audio support, “Le sourire des pierres” (commissioned by Radio France for Alla Breve) for clarinet, violin, cello, percussion and audio support, “Que faut-il pour faire de l’eau” for 15 instruments and electronics (commissioned by Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain), “Torii, la porte du moi” in collaboration with Paul Ramage, radio creation, France Culture production for the show “Création On Air”,
«  L’appel de l’océan » for L’Onceim or « Shakyo  » (commission by Ministère de la Culture Français) for l’Ensemble Court-Circuit.

Vincent Laubeuf has been Artistic Director of the Motus musical company and the Futura festival since 2007.